Senior Lecturer
Location: Block 244L Room 135
Dr. Godisang Mookodi is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Sociology. She joined the Department in 1993 after working in the Women's Affairs Department in the Ministry of Home Affairs for seven years. She served as Head of the Department of Sociology from 2009 to 2012. Dr Mookodi has extensive teaching and research experience in the areas of Gender, Sexualities Feminism and Masculinties. Currently she is teaching Families and Households , Sociology of Gender; Research Proposal Writing to undergraduate students. She also teaches NGOs and Development at Graduate level. Dr. Mookodi has a keen interest in gender research using qualitative research methods. She has received research funding from OSSREA, Ford Foundation and Genderlinks. Her current research project is entitled: Young Women’s Leadership on Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights in Universities -- a regional feminist action university-based research network of seven universities that is coordinated by the African Gender Institute (AGI) at the University of Cape Town. Dr Mookodi is a keen social activist who engages in community activities on gender equality, LGBTI rights, disabled women and youth activism
Gender Studies
Families and Households
Non Governmental Organisations
Mookodi, G and S.T. Mosime [forthcoming] 'Who is Afraid of the ‘Personal’?: From formal women’s movements to informal and fluid networks through the empowerment discourse' Botswana Notes and Records Vol 52 (2020)
Mosime, S.T., P. N Ntshwarang P and G. Mookodi (2012) ‘Mapping Sexualities and Sexual Body Politics on University of Botswana Campus: A Feminist action research approach’. Feminist Africa, (17) 1. Pp. 48 – 61. ISSN: 1726
Mafela, L, G. Mookodi and T. Maundeni Guest Editors (2011) Journal of Social Development in Africa 26(1) Sustaining Development through Socio-Economic Policies and Practices in Botswana.