Senior Lecturer
Location: 245/207
I have been involved with various sectors in the profession including being a reviewer of some journals in the accounting field. I have also offered professional service to local learning institutions as an examiner or moderator in the accounting area.
Lillian B. Wally-Dima
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Business
Department of Accounting and Finance
Bachelor of Commerce, University of Botswana
Master of Arts, University of Essex, UK
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Kent, UK
Basic Accounting
Intermediate Accounting
Advance Financial Accounting and Reporting
Cost and Management Accounting
Accounting for groups of companies
Pension Accounting and Reporting
Inflation Accounting
Accounting for amalgamation and absorption
Accounting for Reconstruction or re-organisation
Financial Accounting and Reporting
Accounting Education and Training Issues,
Auditing Issues,
Social and Environmental Accounting and Reporting Issues ,
Small Business Financial Accounting and Reporting,
Financial and Management Accounting issues
Factors that Impairs Auditors Independence: An analysis of Perceptions of Accountants in Gaborone, MBA Dissertation By Takunda Oliver Makunde, (August 2020)
Challenges Facing Cooperatives in Botswana, MBA Dissertation by Setumbo Marape. (2018)
Wally-Dima, L., Mbekomize, C.J & Nametsegang. A. (2020) Factors Hindering Class Attendance: Views of University Accounting Students, Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting, Vol 12 No.1
Wally-Dima L., Mbekomize, C. J., & Tobedza, G., (2016), Assessment of Clients' Perceptions Towards the Quality of Audit Services Offered by Auditing Firms in Botswana, Asian Journal of Business Management (1) 1-11
Wally-Dima, L. & Mbekomize, C.J., ( 2013), Causes of Gender Differences in Accounting Performance: Students Perspective, International Education Studies, Vol 6 No 10.
Wally-Dima L. (2013), Factors that Influence Students Choice of Accounting as a Major: The Case of Botswana Accounting Students, Asian Journal of Emperical Research, ( 3 (4) pp 464-476.
Wally-Dima, L., (2011), Bridging the Gap Between Accounting Education and Accounting Practices: The Case of the University of Botswana, The IUP Accounting Research & Audit Practices, vol X No 4