Senior Lecturer
Location: Block 246, Office A008
BSc Physiotherapy, Howard University, USA
MSc Orthopaedic Physiotherapy, Hahnemann/Drexel University, USA
PhD Biomechanics and Movement Science, University of Delaware, USA
I am a clinical rehabilitation scientist, and I also practice as a clinical rehabilitation consultant. My academic responsibilities and interests include: teaching clinical musculoskeletal anatomy, muscle physiology, communication skills in medicine, and topics in musculoskeletal injuries and ergonomics for post-graduate trainees in public health medicine; and research on learning challenges for first year medical students as they transition from a traditional teacher-centered curriculum to problem-based learning, musculoskeletal injuries (hip and other fragility fractures and sports injuries), developing affordable rehabilitation robotics and orthopaedic prototypes, and others. Clinically, I treat general physiotherapy and sports injury cases. A major area of practice and interest is testing injured claimants to determine their fitness for work and rehabilitating them for successful return to work. My volunteer/community work has been providing sports injury management at local, regional, and international events under BNSC and BNOC. From time to time I present topics at national sports conferences/workshops on a team-approach to managing athletes' injuries during and after events. We have launched MPhil/PhD programmes and I will be training students in rehabilitation science.
clinical musculoskeletal anatomy,
muscle physiology,
communication skills in medicine,
topics in musculoskeletal injuries and ergonomics (post-graduate trainees in public health medicine)
learning challenges for first year medical students as they transition from a traditional teacher-centered curriculum to problem-based learning
musculoskeletal injuries (hip fractures, sports injuries, etc),
developing affordable rehabilitation technologies and orthopaedic implant prototypes
I have previously co-supervised a Stellenbosch University post-graduate student studying traumatic orthopaedic injuries.
My department has otherwise just launched MPhil/PhD programmes in biomedical sciences.
Besides collaborating with colleagues, my areas of focused supervision will include injury management, return-to-work, and rehabilitation and prototype technology development
Kebaetse M, McClure P, Pratt NA. Thoracic position effect on shoulder range of motion, strength, and three-dimensional scapular kinematics. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 1999
Kebaetse MB, Lee SC, Binder-Macleod SA. A novel stimulation pattern improves performance during repetitive dynamic contractions. Muscle Nerve, 2001
Kebaetse MB, Binder-Macleod. Strategies that improve human skeletal muscle performance during repetitive, non-isometric contractions. Eur J Phy 2004
Kebaetse MB, Lee SCK, Therese TE, Binder-Macleod SA. Strategies that improve paralyzed human quadriceps femoris muscle performance during repetitive, non-isometric contractions. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2005
Kebaetse MB, Kebaetse M, Mokone GG, Nkomazana O, et al. Leaning support intervention for 1st yr medical students: a review of the literature. Med Education 2017.
Esperance MM, Mokone GG, Kebaetse M, Young T. Epidemiology of traumatic orthopaedic injuries at Princess Marina Hospital, Botswana. SA Ortho. J 2018