Location: On study leave
MPhil FLE, Curriculum Development, Educational Audit, Intercultural Training, Avignon Université
MA FLE , Instructional design, Teacher Training, Audit, French for Specific Purposes, University of Cape Town
PGDE, University of Botswana
BA Humanities, French and Environmental Science, UB
Obene Bojosi's areas of specialization include Curriculum Development, Instructional Design, Educational Audit and French for Specific Purposes. She is currently pursuing her doctoral studies focusing on Didactics and Instructional Design for French for Specific Purposes Courses in Avignon Université, France. She taught undergraduate language courses and coordinated the Evening classes programme.
French as a Foreign Language
Intercultural Communication
French for Specific Purposes, (Business, Tourism and International Relations)
Curriculum Development
French for Specific Purposes
Business French
Intercultural Communication
Didactics of French Foreign Language
Curriculum Development,
Instructional Design
Educational Audit
French for Specific Purposes
Rodah Sechele-Nthapelelang and Obene B. Bojosi. LANGUAGES AND CULTURES AT PLAY: UNIVERSITY OF BOTSWANA SITUATION FOR THE TEACHING AND LEARNING OF FRENCH. In Lonaka Issue 11 no1 (2020) Foreign Languages Learning and Teaching. Gaborone, Botswana. Pp 50-59. Lonaka JOLTVol.11 no. 1 2020