Location: 242 A/34
Dip. in Theology, BA, PGDE, MA, PhD (forthcoming)
Mr. Abel B. Tabalaka lectures African Philosophy, Ethics and Epistemology in the department of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Botswana. He also teaches Business ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility in the department of Management, Faculty of Business. He is presently completing his doctoral studies in Philosophy at St Augustine College of South Africa and his thesis is on Ubuntu and Corporate Social Responsibility. His areas of research and publication include African ethics, African thought systems, and corporate social responsibility.
African Philosophy, Epistemology, Business Ethics, and Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility, Business Ethics, Religion and Medical Ethics
African Ethics
Business Ethics
Tabalaka A.B., Nawa S. and Sesiro D. 2020 'Re-Interpreting Inclusion from Ubuntu Perspective: Towards a Non-exclusionary Approach for Persons with Disability' in Amanze J.N. and Nkomazana (eds.) Disability is not Inability: A quest for inclusion and participation of people with disability in society”. Mzuni Press: Mzuzu, Malawi (pp. 433-449).
Tabalaka A.B. and Gaie J.B.R. 2015 “The Ontology and Intricacy of A Voice: Towards the Philosophy of Voice” In: Chimhanda F.H., Molobi V.M.S. and Mothoagae I.D. African Theological Reflections. (pp. 379-390).
Tabalaka A.B. and Nkomazana F. 2009. “Faith Healing and Reasoning: Aspects of Healing Practices and Methods Among the Pentecostals in Botswana – Part 2” In: Boleswa Journal of Theology, Religion and Philosophy Vol. 2, No.3. (pp. 160-169)
Tabalaka A.B. 2002 “Tension between Semantics and Pragmatics; The Translation of the word Mosadi in the Setswana Bible” Scriptura Journal (81). (pp.453-461).