Lecturer/WHOCC Coordinator
Location: Block 230 /220
I obtained Master of Nursing (Pediatric Nursing from the University of Technology Sydney, Australia and Qualified as a Paediatric CNS . I am also a Nurse Educator with a Bachelor of Education in Nursing obtained at the University of Botswana as well as Nurse- Midwife obtained from NHI in 1987 and 89
I been in the nursing profession in both Education and Practice areas for the past 33 years at various health related industry where I progressed from a junior position to senior position while I was in the public sector from 1987. Currently I am a faculty and WHOCC Coordinator at the school of nursing. I am a pediatric Clinical Nurse Specialist as well as Nurse Educator with teaching experience of over 25 years locally both public and private Institutions. I have also worked for Tubman University in Liberia appointed as an expert for reorientation of the Nursing curriculum. At the inception of the Medical school through the MEPI project i worked with colleagues on the Maternal child health project with publications of the work in reputable journals. I wrote a grant with colleagues to assist in capacity building for local nurses on Pediatric Oncology. I also had the opportunity to be part of the team that was mainstreaming HIV/AIDS in the Botswana Police College Curriculum as well as the the Adolescent HIV /AIDS package through the Ministry of Health and Wellness. My responsibilities as WHOCC Coordinator is day to day running of the Centre in line with terms of reference agreed by the School and WHO. The Centre activities are aligned to the mandate of the school and MOHW priority areas. I have been a member of the 6th Nursing and Midwifery Council of Botswana from 2010 representing Specialist nurses as well as chair of the Clinical practice Committee.
I teach in the undergraduate program and my focus is on child and adolescent health courses namely Infant and Child Nursing, Adolescent Health and Development as well as foundational courses namely Introduction to Nursing and Practice both theory and Practice I also teach students in the life laboratory in the pediatric units at the clinical laboratory of the referral hospital for both those with beginning skills development and fourth year completing their rotation in child health units.
my research interest is in Pediatric oncology particularly the experiences of parents who have children admitted with long term care
The effects of long term care on children education particularly in the Low Middle income Countries where schooling needs are not provided
The impact of COVID 19 on delivering of quality essential health services to women and children
The benefits of online education for nurses and midwives to increase access and participation in Higher education in LMIC.
Child health and outbreaks of diarrhea in Botswana and its impact on the child health outcomes
caregivers knowledge of preventive practices for diarrhea
Blood donation and strategies to retaining donors to meet the needs for blood transfusion needs in health care settings
Tadele, M., Habte, D, etal (2017) High levels of Post abortion complications in a setting where abortion service is not legalised. PLOS one, 12(1) doi10.1371/journal.pone.0166287
Mogobe, K, D, Tshiamo, W, & Mokotedi, M (2015) Progress towards attainment of Millennium Development Goal 4 in Botswana, Neonatal Paediatric and Child health Nursing 18(1) 12-18
Madzimbamuto, F, D, Ray, S, Mogobe, K, D, Ramogola-Masire, D, Phillips, R, Haverkamp,M, Mokotedi, M, & Motana, M (2014) Root cause analysis of maternal deaths in Botswana: Towards developing a culture of patient safety and quality improvement. BMC Pregnancy &Child Health, 14: 231- 239
Seboni, N, M, Maundeni T, Rapinyana O. & Mokotedi M, T, (2016) Response to orphaned and vulnerable children in Botswana, In Children and AIDS: Sub Saharan Africa. Ashgate Publisher.
Tshiamo, W Mogobe, K.D & Mokotedi, M, T. (2013) Male involvement in child care activities in Botswana. African Journal of Reproductive health