Location: Block 102/ Office 08
MA in Research and Evaluation - University of Pittsburgh (USA)
Mogapi is currently a lecturer in Educational Measurement and Research at the University of Botswana having taught the courses since 2007. Mr Mogapi has extensive expertise in the area of educational assessment; he has worked for Examinations Research and Testing Division (which later became Botswana Examinations Council) for ten years. His duties included test construction, examination administration, pilot testing and grading of final examinations (PSLE, JCE and BGCSE). His research interest is in the use of multivariate statistics such as factor analysis to understand and explain complex behavioral problems in the field of education.
Educational Measurement
Educational Research
Construct validation and measurement in-variance of psychometric scales
Measurement Theories (Classical Test Theory and Item Response Theory)
Critical Thinking in Institutions of Higher Learning
Integration of ICT in the Classroom
Teacher Effectiveness
Evaluation of criterion referenced testing system (Diagnostic assessment) in Botswana
Mogapi, M. (2019). Using factor analysis procedures to validate score reporting practice of large scale examinations: Establishing the baseline. Journal of Education, Society and
Behavioural Science, 32(4), 1-10. doi: 10.9734/JESBS/2019/v32i430184
Mogapi, M, Moalosi, W.T.S. (2017). Comparative analysis of in-service and pre-service teachers’ critical thinking skills: A thematic approach based on the California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory.
Journal of Education, Society and Behavioural Sciences, 23(4), 1-12. doi: 10.9734/JESBS/2017/38979