Senior Lecturer
Location: 235-248
PhD Entomology
Mandla Mpho is a senior lecturer in the department of Biological Sciences.
My teaching interests combine the areas of entomology, invertebrate zoology, animal diversity and evolutionary biology
My research interests lies within the use of synthetic insecticides to control insect pests and their adaptational responses through development of resistance. Through research, it is my aim to raise awareness about the vital importance of effective use of insecticides and constant monitoring of responses to avoid development of insecticide resistance. I am also interested in the use of plant derived insecticides in the control of insect pests.
Stored product entomology
Insecticide resistance profile in insect pests
Ecology of mosquitoes in the south east district of Botswana
Kgoroebutswe T. K., Makate N., Fillinger U., Mpho M., Segoea G., Sangoro P. O., Mutero C. M., Chanda E., Ntebela D., Mogopa M., Mosweunyane T. and Nkya T. E., 2020. Vector control for malaria elimination in Botswana: progress, gaps and opportunities. Malaria Journal 19:301
Makate, N., Mpho, M and Mosweu, M. 2010. Presence of esterases in Culex mosquitoes at two sites in Southern Botswana. Journal of applied Zoological Research 21 (2), 133-148
Mpho, M. and Seabrook W.D. Functions of antennae and palpi in the mating behaviour of the Colorado potato beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Bulletin of Entomological Research 93 (1), 91-95
Mpho, M., Callaghan, A. and Holloway, G.J. Temperature and genotypic effects on life history and fluctuating asymmetry in a field strain of Culex Pipiens. Heredity 88, 307–312.