Location: Block 236/211
MSc in Agriculture and applied Economics University of Nairobi, Kenya, (Specializing in Environmental Economics at University of Pretoria, South Africa), 2017
BSc in Agricultural Economics, Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2013
ENS 241 Quantitative Techniques in Environmental Science,
ENS 341 Advanced Quantitative Techniques in Environmental Science
ENS 351 Agricultural Development and Environment
ENS 402 Natural Resource Management and Economics,
ENS 620 Economics Aspects of Resource Utilization and Management
ENS 622 Special Topics in Environmental Economics
ENS 631 Agriculture and Environment
Environmental Economics- the topic is very relevant in guiding the use of scarce resources. Agricultural Economics- Botswana is faced with many challenges that require continuous research on how to farm in a lucrative and sustainable manner.Climate change and adaptation- research is needed in all sectors to guide on strategies to implement especially for agriculture and the environment.Tourism Economics- learn about how communities can benefit from the dynamic tourism sector. Livelihood studies.
Socio-economic studies
Livelihood studies
Natural resource management
Tourism economics
Kgosikoma, K., Mackenzie-Tsedi, L., Kelebang, B., & Ranchobolo, T. (2020). Market prospects and willingness to pay for indigenous products: The case of Morama (Tylosema esculentum). African Journal of Agricultural Research, 16(7), 963-975.
Mmopelwa, G., & Mackenzie, L. (2019). 17 Economic assessment of tourism-based livelihoods for sustainable development. Natural Resources, Tourism and Community Livelihoods in Southern Africa: Challenges of Sustainable Development, 191.
Malope, P., Gaetsewe, T., Khanie, G., Molefhi, K., & Mackenzie, L. (2018). An Insight into the 2018/19 Budget for the Education Sector. Associated Printers.
Mackenzie, L. (2017). Analysis of household choice and determinants of livelihood diversification activities in Chobe district, Botswana (Dissertation, University of Nairobi).