Professor in Paediatrics/Neonatology, Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Health, University of Botswana
Head Consultant in Neonatology at NNU, Princess Marina Hospital and UB
Global Paediatrics Theme Leader at Centre of Global Health, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Prof Paediatrics, University of Norway, Institute of Clinical Medicine, 2003-2020, with responsibilities for medical student education and supervision of master and doctoral PhD theses, 2003-2020
Educated at the University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway;
* Cand Med (master medicine1985-1991) and Dr Med (PhD 1991), Faculty of Medicine
* Cand Scient (Master; Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biochemistry), Faculty of Mathematics and Science, 1977-1983.
Visiting professor and neonatologist at University of Botswana, 2016-2019
Supervisor in 15 graduated PhDs (Norway/Sweden), 2003-2020,
Supervision in 18 Master degrees passed or in progress (5 at UB, 13 at the University of Oslo, Norway), 2008-2020
Centre of Global Health (CGH) University of Oslo; a) Signatory Theme Leader for Global Paediatrics (2016-dd), b) Member of the CGH management committee/Technical Advisory Board 2016-dd
Head at Section for Research and Education, Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, AHUS, 2007-19
Elected Board Member of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo 2016, deputy member 2015.
Member of the Research Board of the Eastern/SouthEastern Health Region in Norway, 2006-2010
Head at Section for Neonatology, Akershus Univ Hosp, Oslo, Norway, 2007-08
President of the Norwegian Society for Perinatal Medicine 2012-2015
Member: European Academy of Paediatrics (EAPS), American Paediatric Society (APS), Norwegian Paediatric Association, Norwegian, Botswana Paediatric Association
Neonatology in general, Respiratory viral diseases, Newborn infections, Newborn Resuscitation, Nutrition for Premature and Sick newborns, Climate Change, Heat and Neonatal Health
Neonatology in general, Respiratory Viral Diseases, Newborn Infections, Newborn Resuscitation, Nutrition for Premature and Sick newborns,
Climate change (Granted 2 international research projects; on Climate Heat and Maternal and Neonatal Health in Africa - CHAMNHA and ENBEL (Enhanced BELmont forum)
Neonatology in general, Respiratory Viral Diseases, Newborn Infections, Newborn Resuscitation and Respiratory Failure, Nutrition for Premature and Sick Newborns, Breast milk nutrition.
Climate change and heat, impacts on maternal and neonatal heath
see, Nakstad B