Senior Lecturer
Location: Block 247 Office 337
1. BSc Computer Science and Mathematics with Education
2. MSc Computer Science
Computer Education
1. Teaching and Learning in Computer Education
2. Machine Learning and Neural Networks
3. EPortfolios
4. CS Unplugged Approaches
5. Technology Acceptance
1. Technology Acceptance
2. Learning Objects
3. Machine Learning and Neural Networks
1. E. Zimudzi, S. Kesianye, K.G. Garegae, S. Mogotsi, A. A. Nkhwalume, M. J. Motswiri. Cognitive Load Theory and Mathematics Instruction through MOOCs. InTeaching and Learning Mathematics Online, Edited By James P. Howard, II, John F. Beyers (Eds.) 2020, XV, 420p, .95 Illus., Hardcover ISBN 978-981-10-415 ., Hardcover ISBN 978-981-10-415 Available at
2. Edward Zimudzi, Ian Sanders, Nicholas Rollings & Christian W. Omlin (2019) Remote sensing of mangroves using unmanned aerial vehicles: current state and future directions, Journal of Spatial Science, DOI: 10.1080/14498596.2019.1627252
3. Edward Zimudzi, Ian Sanders, Nicholas Rollings & Christian Omlin (2018). Segmenting mangrove ecosystems drone images using SLIC superpixels, Geocarto nternational, DOI: 10.1080/10106049.2018.1497093. Available at Taylor and Francis Group