Location: 239-219
PhD in Library and Information Science f(University of Pittsburgh (USA)
MA in Library Studies (University of Sheffield (UK)
Postgraduate Diploma in Library Studies (University of Botswana)
Postgraduate Diploma in Education (University of Botswana)
I am lecturer at the Department of Library and Information Studies (University of Botswana). I hold a PhD in Library and Information Science from the University of Pittsburgh (USA), an MA in Library Studies from the University of Sheffield (UK) and received a Postgraduate Diploma in Library Studies from the University of Botswana. I teach in the areas project management, information systems and society, web design, health information, gender and information management, and, information management research. My scholarly activities encompass three major areas: health informatics, information needs and uses, and evaluation.
I teach in the areas of project management, information systems and society, web design, health information, gender and information management, and, research methodology.
Open data and heath care provision; adoption and use of ICTS; Information systems curriculum ; health information; information needs and uses, and evaluation.
Information literacy competencies; use and adoption of Electronic Records Management; Resource models for EDRMS implementation; use of ICTs in information management environments; Privacy and Confidentiality in the management of health records; gender and Information management; Management and preservation of digitised Records; Records Management in NGOs