Location: School of Graduate Studies
1. (2006)-Ph.D. Educational Studies (Cultural Studies in Education)
Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, USA
2. (2003)-M.A. in International Affairs (African Studies/Politics)
Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, USA
3. (2002)-B.Sc. in Education, Ohio University, Athens, USA
Professor Agreement Lathi Jotia is currently a Professor at the University of Botswana in the Department of Languages and Social Sciences Education. He is also the current Acting Dean of the School of Graduate Studies. He has previously taught at the University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida, USA and at Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, USA. Prof. Jotia is a former Honorary Professor at the University of Kwazulu Natal, Durban, South Africa. Prof. Jotia is a vibrant scholar and researcher whose research interests are in the area of Education and Multiculturalism, Deep Democratic Theory, Transformative Culturally Responsive Pedagogy, Globalization and Education and in Politics of Developing Areas. He has been the In-Country Director for collaborative research projects between the University of Botswana and the University of Central Florida since 2011. He has won several research grants for exchange programmes from Fullbright-Hayes and USA Department of State Federal Research Award which were used in international collaborative research. Prof. Jotia has published widely in the area of Democracy and Education and to date he has three (3) published books, six (6) book chapters, more than twenty (20) journal articles and he has presented about thirty-seven (57) research papers at both local, regional and international education conferences. He is a versatile scholar and a robust intellect who believes in the discourse of education for emancipation and transformation
Driven by Critical Theory and Democracy and Education Intellectual Orientation, Professor Jotia facilitates courses in the following areas:
1. Globalization and Education
2. Introduction to Development Issues
3. Education for Self Reliance
4. Education and Multiculturalism
5. Contemporary Issues in Social Studies
6. Curriculum Design
7. Introduction to Development Issues
Professor Jotia's research revolves around the following:
1. Democracy and Education
2. Politics of Developing Areas
3. Globalization and Education
4. Education and Neo-Liberalism
5. Education in Emerging Areas
6. Education and Pragmatism
7. The North-South dialectics and Education
8. Education and Study Abroad Programmes
Professor Jotia is a passionate scholar who believes that Post-Graduate Studies should drive innovative research which is community oriented. He has supervised research projects in the following areas:
1. Citizenship Education and Gender Disparities
2. Pedagogies in the Social Studies
3. Diversity, Multiculturalism and Civic Education
4. The Social Studies and the advancement of Democratic Education
5. The Social Studies and Environmental Education Curriculum