Location: Block 242B/017
Bachelor of Science (Geology), UB
MSc and PhD in Mineral Economics, Akita, Japan
Ore Geology
Economic Geology
Mineral Exploration
Mineral Commodity Price Ananlysis (market analysis)
Mineral Resources and Economic Development (Resource Curse, Local Content, Mineral and Mining Policy)
Critical Minerals
1. Koitsiwe, K., and Adachi, T., (2015) Relationship between mining revenue, government consumption, exchange-rate and economic growth in Botswana
2. Koitsiwe, K., and Adachi, T., (2015) Australia mining boom and dutch disease
3. Koitsiwe, K.,and Adachi, T., (2017) Linkages between mining and non-mining sectors in Botswana
4. Koitsiwe, K and Adach, T., (2018) The Role of financial speculation in copper prices