Senior Lecturer
Location: 245-110
PhD, Tourism Geography [2014]
MSc, Environmental Science (Tourism) [2009]
BA, Social Science (Environment Science and Sociology) [2005]
Monkgogi Lenao is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management at the University of Botswana. Lenao holds a PhD in Geography (Tourism) from the University of Oulu in Finland, a Master of Science in Environmental Science (Tourism), as well as a BA in Social Sciences (Environmental Science and Sociology) from the University of Botswana. His research interests’ centre around sustainable tourism, cultural and heritage tourism, community based tourism and rural tourism. He has authored and co-authored a few peer reviewed journal articles and book chapters in his specific areas of interest. He has recently co-edited an edited book project dealing with tourism development, natural resources and livelihoods in the sub-region. Lenao is a reviewer for a number of high level tourism journals including Annals of Tourism Research and Tourism Geographies among others. In his current position, Lenao handles a range of courses in tourism and resources conservation. In addition, he is involved with both undergraduate and graduate level research supervision in the Faculty of Business. He is also the outgoing Editorial Chairperson of the Bi-ennial conference of the Faculty of Business at the University of Botswana.
Cultural and resources based tourism
Community based tourism
Tourist behaviour
Corporate social responsibility
Research methods
Rural tourism development and community livelihoods
Community based tourism and sustainability
Tourism and power relations
Cultural and natural resources conservation and tourism
Tourism development and community livelihoods
Culture and heritage tourism development
Community based tourism and sustainability
Tourism and power relations
Tourism management and planning
Stone, M.T, Lenao, M., and Moswete, N. N. (Eds.) (2019) Natural resources, Tourism and Community livelihoods in Southern Africa: Challenges for Sustainable Development, New York, Routledge.
Lenao M. (2017) Community, the state and power relations in community-based cultural tourism development: local perspectives on Lekhubu Island tourism development, Botswana. Tourism Geographies, 19(3): 483–501.
Lenao M. and Saarinen J. (2016) Political ecology and community-based natural resources management: narratives and practices of power sharing in Botswana. In Nepal S. & Saarinen J (eds.) Political ecology and tourism. (115–129) Routledge, London.
Lenao M. and Basupi, B. (2016) Ecotourism development and female empowerment in Botswana: a review. Tourism Management Perspectives, 18: 51–58.
Saarinen J. and Lenao M. (2014) Integrating tourism to rural development and planning in the developing world. Development Southern Africa 31(3), 363–372.