Location: 230/217
Masters of Science in Nursing (MSN-Midwifery at Case Western Reserve University) completed as Masters of Nursing Science (Parent and Child-Midwifery) at University of Botswana, Advanced Diploma in Midwifery (Institute of Health Sciences- Gaborone), Bachelor of Nursing Sciences (UB)
Nursing and Health Practice, Nursing Management of Low and High Risk Childbearing Families, Institutional Based Care Practicum, Parent and Child Health Nursing Practicum, sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights.
Prenatal education and care, antenatal education and birth outcomes, Kangaroo Mother Care and postnatal care, Pregnancy and Nutrition, Women Involvement in families and Male Involvement in pregnancy and Childcare.
Gary, F. A., Yarandi, H., Hassan, M., Killion, C., Ncube, M., Still, C., & Hopps, J. (2019). A Power Conundrum: Black Women and Their Sexual Partners in the Midwest. Issues in mental health nursing, 40(5), 431-436.