Location: block 230/224
PhD in Nursing, University of Cape Town, South Africa; Master of Nursing Science, University of Botswana and Bachelor of Nursing Science, University of Botswana.
Gaonyadiwe Sinombe is a Family Nurse Practitioner and nurse educator in the University of Botswana since 2008. She is a faculty member in the school of nursing (SON) teaching theory and practical courses to both undergraduate and graduate students. She also supervises graduate students doing research. She is the Master of Nursing Science (MNS) coordinator since 2017. Her role is to monitor and oversee MNS program offering from registration to completion. She is responsible for the online distance learning (ODL) for SON. She is the Faculty counselor for Tau Lambda sub-chapter since 2018 and newly elected member for the 7th Nursing and midwifery council of Botswana (NMCB) representative for the nurse specialist.
1. Undergraduate- Health Assessment, Community Based Practicum and internship courses
2. Graduate students- Health Assessment and FNP theory and practical specialty courses
Research area: Health promotion and prevention of NCDs
Supervision of students and internal examiner for research essay.
Dawn M. Tladi, Malebogo Monnaatsie, Sheila Shaibu, Gaonyadiwe Sinombe, George G. Mokone, Lesego Gabaitiri, Leapetswe Malete and Hubona Omphile, 2018
Title: A National Report Card on Physical Activity and Health Indicators of Batswana Children/Youth of School going Age. Journal of Physical Activity, 15(Suppl 2), S320-S322