Location: Block 225, room 121
M.A. Clin. Psych (Rhodes)
B.Psych (UB)
I am clinical psychologist with a deep interest in mental health and the treatment and care of those living with mental illness. I am registered with the Botswana Health Professions Council and the Health Professions Council of South Africa. I have been a lecturer at the Department of Psychology since 2016. Prior to that, I worked for two years at Fort England Psychiatric Hospital, Grahamstown, South Africa.
I am a humanist at heart and a global citizen who is passionate about providing lasting local and global solutions especially the area of mental health.
Theories of Personality
Abnormal Behaviour
Psychological Assessment
Youth mental health
Substance and behavioural addictions.
The interface between mental health and the law.
orcid ID: J. Maphisa Maphisa (0000-0003-0716-5812) (orcid.org)
Full and updated record on orcid (J. Maphisa Maphisa (0000-0003-0716-5812) (orcid.org))
Maphisa JM, Mogotsi OP, Machola OK, et al. (2020). Psychiatric epidemiological survey of university students in Botswana: rationale and methods of the Youth Mental Health Study (YMHS). BMJ Open, 10:e038175. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-038175
Maphisa, J.M. (2018). Mental health legislation in Botswana. BJPsych. International, 1-3. 10.1192/bji.2018.24.
Maphisa, J.M., & Young, C. (2018). Risk of Alcohol Use Disorder Among South African University Students: The Role of Drinking Motives. Addictive Behaviors, 82, 44-49.
Maphisa, J. M. (2017). ‘Lunacy Defence’ in Botswana’s Criminal Law: Reflections of a Mental Health Practitioner. University of Botswana Law Journal, 22, 82-101.