Location: 247/339
Bachelor of Education (Special Education)
Master of Arts (Special Education)
Doctor of Education (Special Education)
Dr. Goitse Ookeditse is a lecturer in the Department of Educational Foundations (EDF) at the University of Botswana. He holds a Bachelor of Education (Special Education) from the University of Botswana, with majors in mathematics and visual impairment. In addition, he holds a Master of Arts (Special Education) and a Doctor of Education (Special Education) from Ball State University in USA. His doctoral dissertation focused on teachers’ views about postsecondary planning and effective transition programs for students with disabilities in Botswana, with emphasis on those with visual impairments. His work as a lecturer offers him immense satisfaction and great pleasure. Freezing the volatile moments with his students specializing in visual impairment teaches him how to deal with tricky and challenging situations in life. His research interests include career development and transition planning and programming for students with disabilities as well as orientation and mobility programs for individuals with visual impairments. His research abilities include the use of software such as SPSS and R Commander to analyze data. He has publications in both local and international peer reviewed journals. He has served and continues to serve in various committees in the University of Botswana such as the University of Botswana Disability Review Committee (UBDRC), Student Welfare Departmental Appointments, Promotions, and Review Committee (DAPRC), and serves in different external entities.
Generic Courses in Special Education
Visual Impairment Courses
Transitions for Individuals with Disabilities
Orientation and Mobility for Individuals with Disabilities
Teaching Strategies for Learners with Visual Impairments
Ookeditse, G. B. (2018). Teachers’ views about postsecondary planning and effective transition programs for students with disabilities in Botswana (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved form ProQuest Dissertation and Theses. (Accession No. 10784716)
Habulezi, J., Batsalelwang, K P., & Ookeditse, G. B. (2018) Female students’ orientation and mobility in Kgatleng District in Botswana. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 8(12), 764-771. doi:10.29322/IJSRP.8.12.2018.p8495