Location: +2673554031
Bsc Land Economy (Copperbelt University, Zambia), Msc Real Estate (University of Pretoria, RSA) and RICS Professional Member.
I am a Chartered Valuation Surveyor with over 14 years of practical experience in property valuation, management and development in Botswana. I graduated with a BSc degree in Land Economy from Copperbelt University in Zambia and a MSc. Real Estate from University of Pretoria in South Africa. A Lecturer in Property Valuation, my research interest includes; housing provision, land tenure systems, plant and machinery valuation practice in developing countries.
Applied Property Valuation, Research Methodology and Value & Risk Management
Housing, Land Tenure Systems, Plant and Machinery Valuation Practice in Developing Countries
Kampamba J, Kachepa S, Nkwae B, Matlhogojane N. G, Outule T., (2018) "Housing delivery to the low income in Botswana", International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, Vol. 11 Issue: 2, pp. 356-385, https://doi.org/10.1108/IJHMA-06-2017-0059
"A critical analysis of the role of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) in housing provision in Gaborone, Botswana". Kampamba J., Nkwae B., Adeyemi A., Kachepa S., & L. Ntebele. Real Estate Finance (Aspen Publishers Inc). Spring 2019, Vol.35 Issue 4 p295-317.
“An Evaluation of the Relevance of Current Traditional Leases in Commercial Properties as Compared to Green Leases” Kampamba J., Kachepa S., Lu S., Sexton M., Majingo M. & Abednico W. (Horizon Research Publishing). Advances in Economics and Business Vol. 8(4), pp. 234 – 242.
Kampamba, Kachepa, Majingo, & Mogale, 2018) An Analysis of the Green Building Concept as a Business Case in Botswana An Analysis of the Green Concept in the Built Environment in Gaborone,