Head of Department, Senior Lecturer
Location: F4006 SKMTH Hospital
July 2005: Specialist degree in Medical Oncology, KULeuven, Belgium.
Aug 2003: Specialist degree in Internal Medicine, KULeuven, Belgium.
June 1998: Medical MD Degree KULeuven, Belgium.
Dr Peter Vuylsteke is a Medical Oncologist and Head of Department Internal Medicine at the University of Botswana (UB). Dr Vuylsteke has an extensive experience in clinical patient care, clinical research and clinical leadership. Dr Vuylsteke is a regular speaker at symposia and has mentored students in biomedical sciences, Medicine, Internal Medicine and Medical Oncology.
Affordable Cancer care
Global Oncology
Breast and Gynaecological Cancers
Quality of cancer care: Objective improvement in quality of cancer care can have a greater impact on cancer survival than a positive Phase III drug-trial. Therefore, more research into defining and implementation of quality guidelines is needed.
PI3Kinase pathway inhibition and its mechanisms of resistance in Breast cancer
Platin chemotherapy resistance and potential rescue pathways in gynaecological cancers
Supervision of PhD-students and MMed Residents in cancer research
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