Location: 244H/131
B.Pharm (BIT Meara Ranchi Bihar. India), Msc Pharmacy (MUN, St Johns. Newafoundland and Labrador. Canada)
Motshegwana O. Tebogo is a Lecturer in Pharmaceutics at the University of Botswana (UB) in the School of Pharmacy (SOP). Ms Tebogo was educated in India at the Birla Institute of Technology where she graduated from a Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm) programme with a first-class with distinction. She has a Master's degree (Master of Science, Pharmacy, MSc. Pharmacy) from the Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN), Canada. Ms Tebogo has a worked as a registered pharmacist (with the Botswana Health Professions Council (BHPC)) in the Ministry of Health and Wellness for twenty-seven (27) years as a medicines regulator and as a healthcare regulator where she coordinated the health facility accreditation programme for ten (10) years. She has served as member of the Botswana National Licencing Board and, Secretary of the Drugs Advisory Board and member of the GDP1 Technical Committee - for Quality Management Systems of the Botswana Bureau of Standards (BOBS), as well as member of several other committees in country.
Pharmaceutics and Dosage Forms
Separation and characterisation of medicinally active molecules from natural products
Health worker motivation/Student motivation
Ongoing resaeach;1. Effects of motivataion on the performance of healthcare organisations
2. Pytochemical analysis and safety of naturala health products in Botswana