Location: 3554936
I did my Undergraduate degree on Bachelor of Science (Medical Laboratory Sciences) in University of Botswana. I acquired my Master in Science (Clinical Biochemistry) in Uviversity of the West of England. I have done my PhD in University of Bristol but I have not been awarded the degree yet.
I was born in Ramotswa in the South East of Botswana. I have attended my primary school up until high school in Ramotswa. I then did my tertiary at Institute of Health Sciences, Gaborone studying Diploma in Medical Laboratory Sciences. After completing my Diploma, I worked at National Tuberculosis Reference Laboratory in Gaborone and Selebi-Phikwe Government Hospital Laboratory. I then upgraded by Diploma to a Degree Level with University of Botswana in 2010-2011. In June 2012, I was then hired by University of Botswana as a Staff Development Fellow before pursuing my Masters in University of the West of England, Bristol, UK. love reading, writing and sharing knowledge that is why I have pursued a career in academia. i love teaching and I have an insatiable appetite for research. I have good communication and problem solving skills. I love networking and involvement in charity work.
I teach Clinical Chemistry I (MLS209) which is a Level 200 course. I have also taught Laboratory Quality Management Systems (MLS202), a level 200 course. I also teach Laboratory Management and Education (MLS407), a level 400 course. In future i may teach level 300 Courses. I have also taught MNS708 which is Masters level Nursing Course.
My research area interests are in type 1 diabetes. My research interest is in exocrine and endocrine genes that are associated with type 1 diabetes as well as autoimmunity associated with type 1 diabetes. My other focus area of research is in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. I have also done research work on iron stores.
I have not yet supervised postgraduate students.
Kasvosve I, Tshwenyego U, Phuthego T, Koto G, Zacharia M, Nyepetsi N.G and Motswaledi M.S (2014). Serum ferritin concentration by ferroportin Q248H mutation in Africans. Clinica Chimica Acts, 444, pg 257-259.