Director: Clean Energy Research Center (CERC), Senior Lecturer
Location: FET 248/105
PhD; Electrical Energy Control & Optimization, University of Pretoria.
MBA: Master of Business Administration, University of Botswana.
MSc: Power Systems, University of Bath, UK.
BEng: Electrical Engineering, University of Botswana.
I am currently the Director of the Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) in the University of Botswana, and a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering. Completed Bachelor's Degree in 1998 and joined G4 consulting Engineers as a Graduate Design Engineer. I then joined the University of Botswana in 2000 as a Staff Development Fellow (SDF). I have also worked as a Senior Measurement & Verification (M&V) Engineer from 2012-2015 in University of Pretoria. I am currently a supervisor, internal and external examiner to graduate students working in the areas of electrical power and energy systems. Have produced the most influential research work in 2014 that can be found at I have contributed in a number of national and international energy initiatives both at government and private sector level.
Power Systems Analysis
Power System Economics and Management
Power Generation and Distribution
Energy Management: System modelling, Energy Efficiency, control and optimization, Integration of Renewable Energy Resources, Demand response, Smart grid.
Electrical Power and Energy system's modelling, Energy Efficiency, control and optimization, Integration on Renewable Energy Resources.
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1. Setlhaolo, D., Xia, X., & Zhang, J. (2014). Optimal scheduling of household appliances for demand response. Electric Power Systems Research, 116, 24-28.
2. Setlhaolo, D., & Xia, X. (2015). Optimal scheduling of household appliances with a battery storage system and coordination. Energy and Buildings, 94, 61-70.
3. Setlhaolo, D., & Xia, X. (2016). Combined residential demand side management strategies with coordination and economic analysis. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 79, 150-160.
4. Setlhaolo, D., Sichilalu, S., & Zhang, J. (2017). Residential load management in an energy hub with heat pump water heater. Applied Energy, 208, 551-560.
Detailed scholar profile at