Location: Block 244A / 024
1998--Master of Education (M.Ed) in Sociology Education, University of Alberta, Alberta, Canada;
1986--Post-Graduate Diploma in Education, 1986, University of Botswana;
1985--Bachelor of Arts in Humanities (BA)- History/Setswana, University of Botswana
Mr W.K. Sentshebeng is an educator with both secondary school and university teaching experience. With a background in language and literature in Setswana and the teaching of History, i subsequently developed interest in studying the complex interrelationships between education and society, for example, education and ideology and unequal power relations;education and culture; education and socio-economic development and societal transformation; education and democratic citizenship; human rights education and equity studies, amongst others, leading me to pursue Sociology of Education as a higher degree.
Over the years i have taught various undergraduate courses encompassing issues in the history of educational development in Africa, with specific reference to Botswana since the Bechuanaland Protectorate era; the theories and practice of sociology of education, philosophical analysis of educational concepts, policies and practices; the theories and paradigms of comparative education; democratic citizenship and civic engagement; human rights education and critical pedagogy. At the graduate level, i have co-taught a fundamental education core course introducing the social foundations of education under the rubric title of "Integrated Foundations of Education".
In terms of curriculum development and design of courses in the "Integrated Foundations" section of the Department of Educational Foundations, i have visible foot prints.
Besides teaching, i am an ardent trade unionist.
Sociology of Education;
Sociology of Citizenship Education and Equity studies;
Integrated Foundations (or Social Foundations) of Education;
Comparative Education Studies and Globalisation;
History of Educational Development in Botswana;
Critical Pedagogy, Critical Literacy and Human Rights Education.
A political-economic reading of education and social change;
Democratic citizenship and civic engagement;
Sociology of citizenship and education/schooling in a multicultural society;
Human rights and citizenship education for social democracy and societal transformation;
Popular culture, language and teaching for diversity;
Teaching as an art, agency and ethical practice
2011 -- Committee Member for M.Ed supervision of Kethaotswe ....on the topic:
Jankie, D.; Moumakwa, T.V. & Sentshebeng, W.K. (2009). Setswana dictionaries as pedagogical tools:Possibilities and challenges.In T.J. Otlogetswe (Ed.) MLA Kgasa: A pioneer Setswana lexicographer (pp.62-75).Cape Town: Centre for Advanced Southern AFrican Studies.
Sentshebeng, W.K. (1998). Education and Development in Botswana: Critical Experiences and proposals for social transformation. Unpublished M.Ed project in Sociology of Education, in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Education, Department of Educational Policy Studies, University of Alberta, AB, Canada.
Tlale, B. & Sentshebeng, W. K. (1995) The role of teacher unions in teacher preparation. In C.E. Mannathoko & C.D. Yandila (Eds.). Visions of Teacher Education in Southern Africa: The Botswana experience. Gaborone: University of Botswana.
Unpublished Module
Sentshebeng, W.K. Democractic Citizenship and Civic Engagement in Botswana, Module for YES,Ministry of Labor & Home Affai