Location: Block 237 office 226
PhD: University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA (2005) - Analytical Chemistry
MSc: University of Botswana (1996) - Analytical Chemistry
B.Ed. Sci: University of Botswana (1994) - Chemistry
An Analytical Chemist who specialized in Chromatography, especially in Liquid Chromatography at PhD, MSc - Specialized in Spectrometry, focusing in Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. I am both a Research Scientist and Professional Teacher having done Bachelor of Education with Specialization in chemistry. I worked as an Environmental Health and Safety Manager for the University of Massachusetts (UMASS), Amherst, Massachusetts, USA for 1 year. Other professional qualifications are: ISO/IEC 17025 REQUIREMENTS AND INTERNAL AUDITING (2011), TRAINING OF TRAINERS (TOT) COURSE ON QUALITY ASSURANCE IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY (2011), TRAINING OF TRAINERS (TOT) COURSE ON PHARMACEUTICAL QUALITY ANALYSIS (2013). I have been engaged by Internal Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) (United Nations) as a facilitator in training of "The effective use of Atomic Absorption Spectrometry in analysis of metals in fish, soil and plant matrices including cost-effective sample preparation; instrumentation; Quality control, statistical data analysis, interpretation and reporting; basic instrument calibration, maintenance and troubleshooting. Application to food security in Africa in 2018 (Seychelles) and 2019 (Benin). I have also been an external examiner for both MSc and PhD candidates for different Universities and involved in organizing both national and international chemistry workshops and conferences.
Taught CHE 101 (First Year General Chemistry- about 300 students in class), CHE 211 (Second Year of Introduction to Analytical Chemistry - about 120 students), CHE 312 (Instrumental courses for Spectroscopy - about 60 Students) and also graduate courses in Advanced Atomic Absorption and Emission Spectroscopy, Advanced High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Process Instrumentation and Sample Handling.
Research on nutritional composition (minerals & vitamins) & phytochemical analysis in medicinal plants & donkey milk as possible organic nutritional supplements; development of organic cosmetics products from natural products and determination of metals and toxic elements (lead, arsenic, tin, nickel, mercury, antimony) in soils, plants, fish and water with application to food security and clean environment.
Develop efficient sample preparation methods and techniques to determine nutritional composition and phytochemical analysis in plants and donkey milk to identify traditional plants to be used as organic supplements to natural remedy different diseases. Develop test kits for donkey milk adulteration. Develop sample preparation methods and techniques to determine metals in soils, plants, fish and water with application to clean environment and food security.
1.Takuwa, D. T., Sawula, G., Wibetoe, G., Lund W., (1997), Determination of cobalt, nickel and copper in flowers, leaves, stem and roots of plants using ultrasonic slurry sampling electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy, 12 (8), 849-854.
2. Ahmed, G., Takuwa, D., Chibua, I.T.,Bagai, Z., Morekisi, L., Shoniwa, H., Sethebe, B., Sichilongo, K., (2016), Comparison of New Ultrasonic Digestion Approaches for Plant Matrices in the Analysis of Trace Metals by Inductively Coupled Plasma – Optical Emission Spectroscopy Analysis – A Contrast with USEPA Method 3050B: Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 47(4), 512-520.
3. Abibu M. A., Takuwa, D. T., Sichilongo K., (2019), Quantification of eight water soluble vitamins in Sutherlandia frutescens species from Botswana using a validated reversed phase HPLC method, Separation Science Plus, 2(6), 200-209.