The Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering is looking for Part-time Teaching Assistants for the academic year 2024/2025 in the following areas:
Geotechnical/Water Engineering (1 position),
Structures (2 positions) and
Geomatics (1position).
Duties: The successful applicant will be expected to: (i) assist with tutorials and laboratory practicals, (ii) mark laboratory reports, and (iii) perform any responsibilities as may be assigned by the Head of Department.
Geotechnical/Water Engineering: A BEng/BSc in Civil Engineering with a grade of 2(ii) or better.
Structures: A BEng/BSc in Civil Engineering with a grade of 2(ii) or better.
Geomatics: A BSc in Geomatics/Land Survey with a grade of 2(ii) or better.
Mining/Mineral Engineering: A BEng/BSc in Mining Engineering with a grade of 2(ii) or better.
For all positions, preference will be given to those enrolled in the Department graduate programmes. Teaching experience will be an added advantage.
Remuneration: The University offers a competitive salary and benefits commensurate with experience and qualifications. For more information on the University, please visit our website; www.ub.bw.
How to Apply: Applicants are to address the stated qualifications and provide any other information to assist the University determine their suitability for the position. They should quote the vacancy number of the post applied for; provide current CVs (including telephone, and e-mail), certified true copies of educational certificates, transcripts, and names, addresses and contact details of three referees to: The Human Resource Manager, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Botswana, P/Bag UB0061, Gaborone, Botswana. Telephone (267) 355 4204; Fax (267) 3952309; E-mail: recruitmentfet@ub.ac.bw. Applicants should inform their referees to i) Quote the Vacancy Number(s) and Position(s) applied for and ii) Submit their references directly to the above address before the stipulated closing date. Please note that applications with incomplete information shall not be acknowledged.
Hand delivered applications should be submitted to Office No. 255, Block 248.
NB: Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.
Closing Date: 28 June 2024