Associate Professor
Location: 03
PhD. University of Florida, Department of Agricultural Education & Communication, Gainesville, FL. USA.
M.Sc. University of Natal - School of Environment & Development, South Africa, Pietermaritzburg
B.Sc. University of Botswana, Gaborone
Prof. O. T. Thakadu, is an Associate Professor (Environmental Communication) with the University of Botswana, Okavango Research Institute. He worked for public service (Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism, Department of Wildlife & National Parks) for a decade in Botswana and mobilized local communities in CBNRM programs beginning 1993. Thakadu conducts research in environmental communication & education, risk communication, CBNRM, knowledge translation & extension. Thakadu has developed and implemented communication strategies for projects and organizations nationally and regionally. He has several peer reviewed research publications in the form of journal articles, monographs and book chapters in the area of communication, extension, community-based natural resources, environmental education and knowledge sharing. He is the current chairman of the Ngamiland CBNRM Forum.
Research Methods
Theories in Research
Research Communication
Environmental Communication & Education
Risk Communication
Community Based Natural Resources Management
Knowledge Translation
Diffusion of Innovations
Community Extension
Environmental Communication & Education
Risk/Crisis Communication
Natural Resources Management and CBNRM
Knowledge Translation
Diffusion of Innovations
Community Extension
Thakadu, O.T., & Reetsang, N.P. 2019. Communicating livestock disease risks in Ngamiland: The case of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia. South African Geographical Journal, 101(2),192-209
Thakadu, O.T. 2018. Communicating in the public sphere: Effects of patriarchy on knowledge sharing among community-based organisation leaders in Botswana. Environment, Development & Sustainability. 20, 2225–2242
Thakadu, O. T., Irani, T. A., Telg, R. 2013. Predictors of Knowledge-Sharing Behaviors among Community-Based Natural Resources Organizations in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. Science Communication. 35(5),572-602
Thakadu, O.T., Irani, T.A., Telg, R. 2011. Communicating in the Public Sphere: Attitudes Towards Different Public Instructional Communication Methods. Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture. 5 (1),83-103
Thakadu, O.T. 2005. Success Factors in CBNRM In Northern Botswana: Lessons from Practice. Natural Resources Forum. 29(3),199-212.