Senior Research Fellow
Location: Main Building, Office #07
Ph.D – Biology (Aquatic Ecology –Limnology/Biogeochemistry), University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
M. Sc. – Biology (Aquatic Ecology –Limnology/Biogeochemistry), University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
B. Sc. (Hons), B. Sc. – Chemistry, University of Malawi, Chancellor College, Zomba, Malawi
Dr Mangaliso Gondwe's research combines fields of aquatic ecology, limnology and biogeochemistry to assess effects of multiple stressors including climate change on lakes and wetlands in southern Africa.
Dr Gondwe is the current coordinator of the “Water and Land” specialization course offered at ORI in partial fulfilment of the Regional (SADC) Master’s Degree Programme in Integrated Water Resources Management (MSc in IWRM), a flagship programme of WaterNet, the SADC subsidiary institution for capacity building in Water Resources Management in the SADC region, Kenya and Uganda.
Dr Gondwe is the current coordinator and main facilitator of a unique Research Methodology Course offered at ORI to train graduate students and public/private researchers in research methodology, especially in proposal development, using the systems approach.
Struyf, E., K. Mosimane, D. Van Pelt, M. Murray-Hudson, P. Meire, P. Frings, P. Wolski, J. Schaller, M. Gondwe, J. Schoelynck & D.J. Conley. 2015. The role of vegetation in the Okavango Delta silica sink. Wetlands 35(1): 171-181
Gondwe, M.J. and W.R. Masamba. 2014. Spatial and temporal dynamics of diffusive methane emissions in the Okavango Delta, northern Botswana, Africa. Wetlands Ecology and Management 22(1): 63-78.
Gondwe, M.J., S.J. Guildford and R.E. Hecky. 2012. Tracing the flux of cage culture organic wastes in the southeast arm of Lake Malawi using C and N stable isotopes. Aquaculture. 350-353: 8-18.
Gondwe, M.J., S.J. Guildford and R.E. Hecky. 2010. Carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus loadings from tilapia fish cages in Lake Malawi and factors influencing their magnitude. J. Great Lakes Research 37(supl. 1): 93-101