Senior Research Fellow in Sustainable Tourism
Location: Office 02, Researchers Block
Chiedza Ngonidzashe Mutanga is a Senior Research Fellow in Sustainable Tourism and the Coordinator for the Sustainable Tourism Programme at the Okavango Research Institute (ORI), University of Botswana. She holds a DPhil degree in Tourism and Wildlife Management from Chinhoyi University of Technology, Zimbabwe, and a BSc degree in Tourism and Hospitality Management from the University of Zimbabwe. Her research interests are in sustainable tourism development, with a focus on tourism demand and supply, nature-based tourism, community-based tourism and community livelihoods, ecotourism, protected area tourism, community-based natural resource management and biodiversity conservation. She has published over twenty (22) peer-reviewed journal articles, eight (8) book chapters in tourism and wildlife conservation and has five (5) conference presentations. She has taught various modules at the Masters level and Undergraduate level and has supervised more than thirty (30) undergraduate students, nine (9) Masters Students, and two (2) DPhil students to date. She has peer-reviewed articles for a number of journals which include Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, One Earth, Environment, Development and Sustainability, Scientific African, Human Dimensions of Wildlife, and African Journal of Ecology. She has also served as a Topic Editor for Frontiers in Sustainable Tourism – Tourism, Climate, and Global Environmental Consequences.
1. Mutanga, C. N., Kolawole, O. D., Gondo, R., & Mbaiwa, J. E. (2023). A review and SWOC analysis of natural heritage tourism in sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Heritage Tourism. DOI:
2. Mutanga, C. N., & Gandiwa, E. (2023). Natural Heritage: Wildlife and Nature Preserves in the African Tourism Landscape. In Cultural Heritage and Tourism in Africa (pp. 269-283). Routledge.
3. Mudzengi, B. K., Gandiwa, E., Muboko, N., & Mutanga, C. N. (2023). Towards a management intervention framework for Mahenye ecotourism biophysical resources to cope and recover from COVID-19 pandemic shocks. In COVID-19 and tourism destinations: Impacts and prospects for recover (pp. 133-151). Springer.
4. Mutanga, C. N. (2022). Tolerance for Wildlife Resources through Community Wildlife-Based Tourism: Implications for Sustainability. In Protected Areas and Tourism in Southern Africa: Conservation Goals and community livelihoods (pp. 56-69). Routledge.