Senior Research Fellow
Location: 7235
DPhil Natural Resources Management(Chinhoyi University of Technology,Zimbabwe);MSc in Tropical Resource Ecology(University of Zimbabwe);BSc Biological Sciences and Geography - Double Major(University of Zimbabwe;Graduate Diploma in Education(University of Zimbabwe);Certificate Exploring GIS (UNISA)
Olga is a Natural Resources Conservationist and a UNFCCC registered Climate Change Adaptation expert. She is a task oriented, result focused conservationist with over a decade of experience of research, teaching, professional and community service in the higher and tertiary education sector. She recently joined the Okavango Research Institute and is currently working on research projects on investigating present and past socio-economic responses to externally forced change to improve our understanding of social resilience in the Okavango basin; assessing effects of climate change across the Okavango basin and in southern Africa at both the regional and local scales on livelihoods and economy; identifying potential response trajectories to Climate Change (CC) in basin subsistence livelihoods and industry (with particular focus on ecotourism, agriculture and mining). She has experience leading and working with multidisciplinary teams, currently leading the Oppenheimer Generations Research and Conservation (OGRC) project on climate change and ecosystem services at Shangani Holistic, Zimbabwe and FEFA collaborator. Olga is a registered UNESCO Earth Network Expert where she provides volunteer services on climate change and biodiversity conservation to the Ecology and Biodiversity Section, Division of Ecological and Earth Sciences, Natural Sciences Sector. She is also leading the Natural Resources Governance and Institutions (NRGI) petal under the PCP platform.
Climate Change, Society and the Environment
Climate Change and Protected Area Management
Climate and natural Resources Governance
Qualitative Research Methods
Natural Resources Governance
Society and Natural Resources
Plant Ecology
Plant Form and Function
Animal Anatomy and Physiology
Invertebrate Biology
Climate change adaptation, Heritage Sites and IKS
Nature based solutions to climate change
Climate Change and biodiversity conservation
Climate Change and Human wildlife interactions
Climate change and CBNRM
Climate Change and ecosystem services
Climate change and ethnobiology
Education for sustainable development
Social and environmental standards assessments
Natural resources policy analysis
Safeguarding tangible and intangible heritage
Climate Change Adaptation, Mitigation and Governance
Climate Change and Ecosystem Services
Climate Change, Green Economy and Biodiversity Conservation
Climate Change, and IKS
Climate Change and Human Wildlife Interactions
Climate Change and Natural Resources Policy
Community Based Natural Resources Management
Climate Change and Sustainable Livelihoods
Climate Change and Ethnobotany
Climate Change and One Health
Climate Change and Plant Ecology