Location: Block 230, Office Number 205
1. BSc: Political Science
2. MSc: Political Science
3. MA: International Studies
4. PhD: International Studies
Born and raised in Sori, Karungu, Nyatike Constituency, Migori County, Kenya. Is married with three children. Has lived and worked in various countries including, United States of America, South Africa and Botswana.
1. International Relations of Africa
2. Foreign Policy Analysis
3. International Integration
4. International Law & Organization
5. International Relations Theory
1. International Relations of Africa
2. Foreign policy Analysis
3. Human Rights
4. International Integration
5. International Law & Organization
6. International Relations Theory
1. International Relations Theory
2. Foreign Policy Analysis/Comparative Foreign Policy
3. International Organization
4. African International Relations
5. Human Rights
6. International Integration/Regional Integration
1. Adar, K. G et. al. (2020) (eds.). Popular Participation in the Integration of the East African Community: Eastafricanness and Eastafricanization. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
2. Check, N. A, Adar, K. G and Wingo, A (2019) (eds.). France's Africa Relations: Domination, Continuity and Contradiction. Pretoria: AISA/HSRC.
3. Adar, K. G, Finizio, G and Meyer, A (2018) (eds.). Building Regionalism from Below: The Role of Parliaments and Civil Society in Regional Integration. Brussels: Peter Lang Publishers
4. Adar, K. G, Lumumba, PLO and Inoti, P (2016) (eds.). African Foreign Policy, Diplomacy and Leadership: Reflections of Diplomats and Scholars. Nairobi: African Institute for Leaders & Leadership.
5. Adar, K. G and Check, N. A (2011) (eds.). Cooperative Diplomacy, Regional Stability and National Interests: The Nile River and the Riparian States. Pretoria: Africa Institute of South Africa.