Ms Onalenna Tsima
242 A/045
Ext 2357
Professional Qualifications

MNS in Community Health Nursing (UB)

Post Graduate Diploma in Higher Education (Botho University)

Bachelor of Nursing Science (UB)

Dip. in Midwifery (IHS)

Dip. in General Nursing (IHS)

Brief Biography

Onalenna Tsima  joined the University of Botswana in 2018 from Institute of Health Sciences where she has been working  for the past 20 years. She is a registered  nurse midwife who holds Bachelor of Nursing Science and Master of Nursing Science from University of Botswana. Her area of specialization is Community Health Nursing. Onalenna Tsima has worked as a registered nurse midwife in Botswana hospitals and clinics, (both government and private). Most of the years of employment were spent at Institute of Health Sciences teaching at Diploma level. She has developed the curriculum for Community Health Nursing at I.H.Ss and the  Integrated HIV & AIDS curriculum in particular the Community Referral and Linkages Module for In-service training (Ministry of Health and Wellness) which started being implemented in 2019. The current employment includes teaching Community Health10 Nursing at Undergraduate (BNS) and in Community Health Nursing Practitioner program at the School of Nursing, University of Botswana. Research interest  areas includes; Non-Communicable diseases(NCDs), HIV/AIDS and Adolescents, Gender Based violence, Care of Older Persons and Nursing Education. Professional membership includes Botswana Nurses Union and Sigma Theta Tau International and is a member of the Task Force that developed standards for community health nursing in Botswana(2018-2019). She is a member of the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Botswana (NMCB).

Teaching Areas

Theory and Practice

Introduction to  Community Health nursing & primary health  care nursing practice.

Master in Nursing: Community Health Nursing theory and practice: 

School Health Nursing and Occupational Health Nursing.  

Research Areas

Non-Communicable diseases

Adolescent HIV & AIDS

Elderly care

Gender based violence

Postgraduate Supervision Areas

Co-Supervising the following:

Occupational Health 

School Health/Adolescent health

Management of Chronic conditions


In pursuit of academic excellence